Ever since the iPod has hit the market, it has taken off at a rapidly expanding rate. From the first generation all the way to the third generation i and i Nano, iPod is a name that will be known for quite a while. The iPod touch is one of the newer creations that apple has introduced; it is every bit a music player as the traditional iPods, only better. The player features a music player, bigger memory capacity, ability to store videos, various apps, wireless Internet connection and so much more.
One of the features that the device is know for, are all the various apps that can be downloaded onto the device and used. App is shorthand lingo for application, there are applications available for just about anything such as games, news, sports, weather, random nonsense, just about anything. The gadget comes with a few basic apps, leaving users wanting more applications for their device; but in today's weak economy, buying applications for your iPod Touch can become quite expensive
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Blog Source: Ezinearticles.com